Cast Iron Cookware

Chilli Prawn & Calamari Tagliatelle Recipe

April 8, 2012 0 comments
chilli prawn pasta

People often ask me which countries cuisine is most like Japanese. My answer is always Italian. Both cultures keep a close eye on seasonal offerings, have a firm grasp of regionality and are inspired to cook from quality produce. As a professional chef I have worked in both Japanese and Italian kitchens, and for me a meal always starts at the markets.

Although it is not ideal to visit the Sydney fish markets on Easter Saturday I did manage to buy 6 of the best green tiger prawns I have found in over 20 years. A shipment of fresh QLD calamari had just arrived so we had the beginnings of a great meal.

tiger prawns

QLD tiger prawns – awesome find at the fish markets today


Here is my recipe for Chilli Prawn and Calamari Tagliatelle told in the Italian way.


Pasta Recipe: Chilli Prawn & Calamari Tagliatelle

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Equipment: Oigen cast iron pot

Clean the prawns and calamari and get a pot of water on for the pasta. Take 3-4 chillies and some coriander from the garden and dice some garlic.

fresh chilli

Grab some chillis from the garden

sliced chilli

Don’t forget to wash your hands before going to the bathroom

Add diced coriander stems to the garlic and the leaves in a separate bowl. Slice some tomato flesh and open and open a dry white from the North Country.

Slice the chillies seeds and all but make sure you don’t go to the bathroom until after washing your hands.

prawn pasta ingredients

Diced coriander stalks, garlic, coriander leaves, tomato and chilli

Cook the pasta and rinse lightly to cool slightly. Toss with a little olive oil and set aside.

Put a generous amount of good olive oil in a heavy pot. I use a cast iron nabe pot to cook all my pasta at home, it’s the best and that’s why I use it everyday.

Add garlic and coriander stems followed closely by the seafood. Add the tomato and some salt and cook until the prawns just change colour.

cast iron cooking

Add garlic and fresh prawns to your cast iron pot

Add a splash of wine, yes the one you will be drinking – there is no such thing as ‘cooking wine’.

cast iron cooking

Add a little white wine to help emulsify the olive oil and tomato

Add chillies, coriander leaves and a little more olive oil and cook for 15 seconds more. Divide the seafood evenly into two bowls and set aside (we don’t want arguments). Throw the pasta into the cast iron pot with another splash of olive oil and salt.

pasta recipes

Cast iron cookware – perfect for pasta

Toss the pasta in the pan juices and transfer to two pasta bowls. Top with the seafood and a little more olive oil.

prawn pasta recipe


Lunch is served.

© 2012 Chef’s Armoury Japanese Knives

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